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(406) 369-5884


274 Old Corvallis Rd, Suite T, Hamilton, MT

Professional Websites for Small Business Owners

Avoid the stress & headache of creating a website.
Let me take that off your plate 😉

You’re exhausted.

  • You put out fires 🔥
  • You deal with employee issues 😩
  • Family crises shows up  🚨

All before noon!!!

When do you have time to create a website … a professional website that will grow your business?

The truth is – as a small business owner, you don’t have time to run a business, be a parent/spouse/friend, and still have time to learn, design, and create an amazing website.

You want to spend the time you DO have boating at Como, watching the kiddo’s soccer game, and enjoying your life. 

I get it. That’s how I feel about

  • Painting my house
  • Doing my taxes
  • Fixing my car –>

I don’t have time to do those things. I don’t have the skills or the time to learn them.

I’m better off hiring someone else do them – and do them right. They make my house look awesome, my taxes impeccable and my car running to perfection.

Hi! I'm Cody.
I create professional websites for small businesses owners ...

… so you don’t have to. 

I’ve created over 126 websites for small businesses (111 here in the Bitterroot Valley). My clients are busy small business owners like you. They also have amazing, professional websites that help grow their business and showcase their awesome-ness. 

I have an entire page on my website where you can learn more about my website design, but first … what makes working with me different? 

Professional Web Design 1

What Makes Working With Me Different?

It's about YOU having an amazing experience.

Working with me, you’ll have someone who …

  • answers the phone or calls you back right away
  • responds quickly to emails
  • is available via text
  • makes creating your website as comfortable as possible.

My goal is to make designing your business website a comfortable & pleasant experience for you.

  • I’m approachable.
  • I’m easy to get a hold of.
  • I’m easy to work with.
Website Design Hamilton
What Else Makes Working with Me Different?

Designed Locally

My office is conveniently located in Hamilton, MT.

Proven Strategy

Built using a custom strategy based upon Donald Miller, Marcus Sheridan, & Wes McDowell.

Touch Points

Amazing communication between us throughout the process.

Same-Day Design

If your site qualifies, we can build it in a single day!

In Their Words

Featuring some of my (favorite) clients from the Daly Mansion, Red Rooster, Ravalli Fun Center, Bitterroot Shedz, Grizzly Broadband, Heritage Market and Bitterroot Bouncers.

Some of My Clients (& now friends)

Common Web Design Questions

There are so many variables to consider, and I’m all about crafting a custom quote that suits your specific needs. For a rough idea, though, you can check out the pricing information on my web design service page.

Great question … and to be honest, most of the time is going to be dependent on how long it takes to get content from you. I’ll help out with reminders, etc. but once I have the content that I need from you, then the actual design process can go swiftly.  Most sites I’ve created can take 2-3 months but it can go much faster if there’s an urgency and you can provide me with the necessary content.

Yes! I’m in the RCEDA building behind MASSA on Old Corvallis Road (Suite T). Here’s how you get to my office (watch video).


I know a lot of people here in the Bitterroot Valley and I’ve enjoyed working with these small business owners face-to-face. But I’m not exclusive 😉 I’ve also worked with small business owners in Washington, Kentucky, New York, etc. Hooray for email, Zoom, etc.!

Absolutely. I love answering questions. You can reach out to me with this simple form … or you can always call or shoot me a text. 

Where Do You Begin? What's the 1st Step?

Step 01

Consultation & Proposal

Let’s talk about what your business and the need for a new website. We can meet in person or via Zoom. I can then send you a custom proposal for you to review.

Step 01

Step 02

Contract & Invoice

Ask me more quesitons! Once you’re ready, you can sign a contract and I’ll get an invoice sent out to get started.

Step 02

It’s a simple 7-step process that makes it easy for you to have the perfect website for your small business.

It starts with a FREE, no-obligation consultation – at my office or via Zoom.

Taking on the task of creating your own website takes time. 

Time to learn, build, and design. It’s a sacrifice of time that could be spent doing other things – things you enjoy doing. 

Let me design the perfect website for your small business.

Let me take that off your plate. It’ll free up time, energy, and resources you can devote to other things – things like your business, your family, and your life. 

Instead of designing a website, take a “me” day … do some yoga, go for a hike, and know that your website is in good hands.

Let's Start a Discussion.

Ready to talk about your website? Great!
Let’s schedule a consultation and start a discussion about YOUR website.

Every great website starts with a conversation

Business Address: 
274 Old Corvallis Road, Suite T
Hamilton, MT 59840
View Directions


What can I help you accomplish online?
Please fill out the contact form to get the conversation started.
I’ll do my best to get back to you within 24 hours Mon-Fri.

What happens if you click the big orange button? I’ll get back to you within 24 hours (unless I’m lost in the woods). I don’t sell or use your email address for anything, not even for a newsletter, although I have one you can subscribe to. My business is built on trust and that starts with your privacy. 

See You Soon!

I’ll get a hold of you soon to find a time that works best for both us. 

In the meantime, learn a little more about the guy you’ll be meeting with ;) 


As a subscriber, you can expect some great emails in the near future to help you & your business. Hooray!

In the meantime, have you signed up for your free consultation?

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